Hi I’m Beverley Glazer,
Like many others, my mother denied having difficulties and insisted on living alone in her 3-story house. She became angry and bitter and no matter how much I suggested the many options that were available to her, she stubbornly refused to change.
I felt powerless! I was worried. I was certain that she would fall, or even worse – that she would die in that house….
My mother was a fighter, and she fought every step of the way. It didn’t make my life easy. But once I helped her to accept what is, and embrace it, she transformed into the gracious woman that I always knew. And I cherish the memories of the very special relationship that we shared in those very precious last years.
Many adults are caregivers. Sometimes we get there gradually, and other times, it’s a shock. But that’s life – there are things we just can’t control.
As a professional in the mental health field, I had the tools, and still it wasn’t easy. But as I was working on myself and the transitions with my mother, I had an epiphany. The very yo-yo of emotions that I was struggling with, was experienced in my clients and my friends.
So, I took them through the steps that I was using to stay balanced and helped them through their journey. And they ‘got it’.
And over 30 years, as a therapist and coach, I’ve applied my techniques to help 1000s of others, to stay grounded and create new possibilities, when they’re challenged by the difficult transitions that are thrown at them by life.