Your mission is to realize your strengths, change perspective, create possibilities, overcome what’s stopping you, and realize astonishing inner strength and confidence in 12 weeks.


  • Has the rug been pulled out from under you?
  • Are you overwhelmed and your world has crumbled to the ground?
  • Is ‘something missing’, feeling lost, ‘stuck’ or without purpose?
  • Do you feel your ‘best life is over’?
  • Are you struggling with what to do next?

You’ve put blood, sweat and years into a career, and now you are no longer needed. You’ve cared for others; you’re drained, you lost your sense of purpose and your self.

You knew that your relationship wasn’t perfect ( but whose is?) and now after 20 years, he says he’s done.

In one swift moment, you’re in a whirlwind of anxiety and confusion, You have so much to unravel, but you don’t know where to start!

What to do? Who do you tell? And most of all, what happens next...

You don’t want to burden others with your pain and frustration, yet it’s hard to ‘hold it all together’ and keep smiling.
But what if you had a personal roadmap for moving forward?

It’s a game changer when an expert pinpoints your strengths and supports you and shows you all the untapped value you have to offer in this world.

Not only are you equipped to turn the page, but you’ll let go of the past, and you’re free to create new possibilities and soar to exciting new heights.

The result?

You’ll feel lighter, more confident, capable and more joyous than you’ve felt in years.

Hi, I’m Beverley Glazer.

I'm the living proof that sometimes, life throws you a curveball so wild, it completely changes the game. My own twist came in the form of a subpoena, dragging me into a whirlwind of a fraud case that I had no part in, but had to fight for 8 years. This was my sign to hit the reset button on my life. I embarked on a new journey to face adversity head-on, and carve out a purposeful, exhilarating new chapter in my life.

But you don’t need to get caught up in a legal drama to have your world rocked and start questioning everything. Maybe your “Mr. Right” turned out to be ‘Mr. Wrong’ and left, or your job vanished out of the blue, or perhaps retirement isn’t as fulfilling as you imagined. If you’re feeling a bit lost; a staggering number of women worldwide feel just like you, having shelved their dreams and are now and wondering ‘what’s next’ in their lives.

Why wait another minute to turn things around?

With over 30 years of experience as a coach and therapist, I’ve seen firsthand the struggle to find meaning and direction. That’s why I created The Reinvention Formula™, a no-nonsense, step-by-step system designed to help you get back on your feet, identify your innate strengths, and embark on a journey filled with new possibilities. This coaching program is a blend of scientific insights and practical wisdom, tailored to empower you emotionally and mentally, ensuring you not only rediscover but truly appreciate the real you.

It’s time to bust the myth that women over 50 should fade into the background. Our age brings resilience, courage, and invaluable experience to the table. I firmly believe every woman past 50 has the potential to find her true calling, reinvent herself, and lead a life brimming with passion, meaning, and joy.

My own path has been anything but straight. From falling in love with art and working as an Art Consultant in northern Indigenous communities, to diving back into academia and focusing on psychology, my journey has been fueled by a passion for helping others. With degrees in psychology and extensive training in various compulsive behaviors, plus a stint as an AM talk-radio host and a writer, I’ve dedicated over three decades to supporting thousands of women in rediscovering their happiness and purpose.

I’ve lived it, grown from it, and found immense joy in helping others do the same. If you’re sensing that something’s missing in your life, you’re right. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. The time for change is NOW.

Ready to reinvent your future and create a life you love?

Click the link below to schedule a call with me. Let’s explore the endless possibilities that are waiting for you.

What if your 2nd act could be better than your 1st?

Instead of overwhelm – you’ll feel grounded, have a clear vision & reset your thinking.

Instead of feeling stuck – you’ll feel liberated & debunk the old patterns that worked worked against you.

Instead of frustration - you’ll be focused and prepared for future challenges.


Instead of fear - you'll feel capable and let go of old baggage and limiting beliefs.

Instead of anger & distrust - you’ll feel at peace and more capable than you ever felt before.

Each one of these is powerful on its own.
But altogether?

They will lead you to resilience and powerful self-esteem; so you can move forward with confidence and be more excited for what the future holds.

The BEST part of YOUR TIME TO SHINE™ is that it’s simple. EVERYONE can discover their unique gifts and exceptional strengths – even if they’ve been struggling or stuck in the mud for years.

I was so excited by my discovery, that I shared my formula with 1000s of clients and what happened completely blew me away, because they not only ‘got it’, they ‘owned it!’

And they never looked back.

As a therapist I witnessed how my clients saw improvement and learned tools to feel better; but it was not sustainable – they’d eventually return through that ‘revolving door’. YOUR TIME TO SHINE™ put an end to that ‘revolving door’ syndrome because it is action based ~ and you take the actions you need to go after what you want.

In other words, you actually ‘live it’ and ‘do it’ and ‘experience it’ in the course.


It is a customized approach, not a one-size-fits-all solution. YOUR TIME TO SHINE™ is specifically designed to give you the tools and the support you need, and more importantly, to teach you how to put into practice what you’re learning. You ‘live it’ and you’re confident and excited to do it and excited to move on.


Coming to terms with what is, so you can move forward to what’s next.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to let go of anger and resentment from the past, overcome fear and doubt, discover and build on your strengths, so that you can be in the driver’s seat & create a personalized action plan to accomplish your dreams – in just 12 weeks.

You will learn how to:

  • Have clarity, peace and acceptance with the past.
  • Unhitch yourself from fear and doubt.
  • Discover your strengths and confidence to live without apology.
  • Have the tools and resources you need to get through tough moments.
  • Have the direction and assurance to move. forward to a fulfilling life
  • Be in control and supercharge your life!
"This program gave me the confidence to stop questioning my values. It freed me to believe in myself again."
Donna N.

Just think! ~ In 12 weeks from now, you’ll stop feeling stuck and be uplifted with renewed energy, to move on to new horizons with confidence.

And you’ll have a specific plan to move forward with purpose, setting aside your fears and doubts, knowing you have an array of tools and clear direction to make it happen.

Module One

Owning It

This is where you embrace the real you.

  • In this module you will take a deep dive to discover your true essence ~ your authentic self ~ who you are deep down.
  • You will reveal when and where you became a chameleon in an attempt to please or appease someone else.
  • You will be empowered to let go of 'what others think' and the exhaustion and anxiety that it creates. And you'll have a renewed appreciation of yourself and the confidence to move forward – without apology!

Module Two

Closing It.

This module will give you the tools to uproot the emotional ties that suck your energy and you'll FINALLY stop spinning your wheels in frustration.

  • You’ll learn how to let go of the anger and the annoying gremlins in your head that bring up of the mixed emotions of anger, resentment and pain.
  • You will have the tools to come to a soothing place of acceptance, so that you can feel at peace and ease.

Module Three

Stopping It

This module is all about YOU! Because everything you need stems from YOU.

  • You will learn about what you must have in order to take care of your emotional needs.
  • You’ll also have the language and confidence you need to be set boundaries without guilt.
  • At the end of this module, you will feel more grounded, assertive, confident, happier and empowered – and you will have a new foundation for the way you see yourself and the world.

Module Four

Embracing It!

Put on your seatbelt you will soar to new heights!

  • You will activate your potential and discover a new vision and mission for your life.
  • You will have the tools to let go of your negative thoughts and beliefs, and free yourself from the fears that have been holding you back from the future that you want.
  • You’ll see the many possibilities before you and be excited to step into your new future self.

Module Five

Believing It!

Say good-bye to being mistreated, disrespected or unrecognized in relationships or on the job!

  • You will learn to own your inner power and feel worthy.
  • You’ll discover your uniqueness and embrace your special value. You’ll appreciate yourself and feel deserving.
  • Instead of worrying about what other people think you’ll have confidence and grace, knowing with certainty who you are and the value you provide.

Module Six

Creating It!

Reset, reboot and get ready to launch the new empowered you!

  • In this module you will begin to chart your renewed course in life.
  • You will build on your past successes and the strength and wisdom and experience that you gained.
  • You will set goals for your future, see the light at the end of the tunnel -- and move on to your destiny – a new and better you!

Discover Your Power & Recreate Yourself™ IS for you if:

  • You’re overwhelmed and lack clarity about your life’s direction.
  • You’re eager for personal growth and transformation.
  • You crave more fulfillment and happiness.
  • You’re ready to take action and create steps to your goals.
  • You’re eager to let go regrets and manifest the future you desire.

Discover Your Power & Recreate Yourself™ is NOT for you if:

  • You’re not open to personal growth.
  • You’re unwilling to commit and participate.
  • You’re content with your current situation.
  • You’re on the fence and not ready for change.
  • You’re not willing to invest in yourself.

Looking Ahead to New Horizons: Your Reinvented Life

At the end of our 12-week journey together you will:

  • Release the fears that keep you small and discover a new vision and mission in life.
  • Let go of over-pleasing or the stress of living up to others’ expectations.
  • Come to a secure place of acceptance and self-acceptance.
  • Create new foundations for the way you see yourself and the world.
  • Have tools to let go of resentment, disappointment and anger when it surfaces.
  • Find the closure, freedom and clarity you need to get what you want out of life.
  • Kiss the imposter syndrome good-bye, feel confident in yourself, and prepare to live without apology, freedom and joy.

Best of all?

You’ll will have the fearless courage and joy that comes with taking inspired action to move on to a new and better you!

All modules include template, and checklists, so you are evolving, learning and growing as you go through this unique personal training. And you can refer back to this training whenever you need. (There will be recordings). Plus, on every call, there will be Live Q & A coaching time with me. This means you’ll get your personal questions answered in a timely manner. And you’re also able to email me your questions privately.

And you have nothing to lose…


It is really important to me that this training is valuable to you. And I’m 100% confident that you’re going to love what you learn to move your life forward. So if at the end of our SECOND ZOOM SESSION you feel that this training is not right for you, just let me know and I’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

Isn’t it time to live your next chapter?

What Our Clients Are Saying: